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Online Market Research & ResTech Tools 

key features & activities

Design engaging and in-depth qualitative and quantitative consumer and B2B studies using aha’s wide range of online market research and ResTech tools, built-in features, and intuitive activities.

Aha IntelligenceTM (ai) Analytics & Reporting Tools

aha intelligenceTM (ai) is a generative artificial intelligence-based analytics and reporting tool that enables market researchers and brand insights teams to more completely and efficiently analyze unstructured market research data.

aha intelligence (ai) gives analysts the ability to:

  • Automatically summarize large qualitative datasets
  • Provide supporting examples to your key insights without having to search manually
  • Create on-demand Executive summaries and transformational reports
  • Generate interview summaries and video highlights
  • Synthesize connected and unconnected data points
  • Instantly apply sentiment analysis

ai was designed to give researchers the ability to validate their thinking and, more importantly, identify blind spots that they may not have identified previously, connecting the unseen dots. For instance, ai might give five summary insights for a set of unstructured data; three of the summaries might corroborate the key insights a human would have identified, one might be a completely erroneous flyer, while the 5th might identify a breakthrough insight that the researcher may not have discovered otherwise.

The key features of the aha intelligence tool include the ability to auto-tag entire studies to instantly organize supporting text-based quotes, video clips, and images that bring observations, insights, and recommendations to life. To protect brand and respondent privacy, the platform does not allow proprietary data to be shared with the outside world – aha intelligence is a closed-loop application, not part of an open-source artificial intelligence system.

Aha AI for Market Research

More Powerful MODERATING Tools

To help corporate and brand insight teams get to breakthrough insights faster, aha has added enhanced features to the platform’s Observe functionality; most notably the user-friendly and strategic data sorting and filters tools. Moderators can now go deeper with personal video probes and/or send images with a probe if desired – respondents can now reply to the probe with video or images, as well. And, while reviewing responses, moderators can now smoothly segue straight to the platform’s new Analyze Zone.


Aha MomentsTM Rapid Response Video Capture Tool

Get ad hoc, quick-turn video responses at quant scale from real people to answer critical and time-sensitive questions using our aha momentsTM ai-powered mobile video tool.

Just ask a broad or targeted single-focused question (or series of questions) and start receiving spontaneous feedback accompanied by overall themes and sentiment analysis from consumers on current events, new ideas, or cultural narratives.

Utilizing our easy-to-use video maker tool and aha intelligenceTM (ai) analysis tools, you can rapidly create a video highlight reel with supportive quotes that can be shared with your client, team, or the c-suite within 24-48 hours.

Best of all, there is no respondent app download required and no subscriptions. Again, NO SUBSCRIPTION NECESSARY.

rapid response video capture

Data Visualization Dashboard (NEW)

The new eye-catching dashboard serves up visually engaging respondent contributions. This dynamic study-specific landing page builds intrigue and gives client viewers the option to click through to specific activities and related responses directly. It also includes a client/project team chat window where observations and insights can be easily shared. The dashboard auto-presents and rotates quant charts, collages, keyhole question responses, and other teasers to quickly stimulate client interest in the strategic discussion within the study. aha’s project managers help you set the most interesting data tapestry specific to your needs.


ANALYTICS Playground (NEW)

In aha’s Analytics Zone you will be able to access sophisticated word cloud options, automated custom quant charts, segment and demo data runs, composite collages, and perceptual maps to stir intellectual curiosity and create deeply insightful, visually compelling client reports.


Live Conversations™ Webcam for Online Focus Groups & IDIs {aha pro feature}

aha was the world’s first-ever integrated partner with Zoom’s cloud-based technology for video, voice, content sharing, and chat. This seamless integration enables live webcam and mobile video conversations within the aha platform and scheduled or ad hoc conversations that are recorded and accompanied by automated machine learning or human transcription of the discussion. Our online focus group and IDI sessions include our custom ClientStream™ backroom, a scheduling system with alerts and tech checks. ClientStream allows brand and corporate insights teams to observe live focus groups and IDIs without downloading Zoom or other software to their desktops.

Learn more…

Aha Online qual Zoom webcam Interviews

Video Capture: Digital Diaries, Home Use Tests and Self-Ethnography

Our highly advanced and easy-to-use mobile-enabled video capture tools allow respondents to share in-the-moment experiences, take us inside their homes, join them on shopping trips, and engage in ad hoc exercises. It is flexible to any environment where video can help you gain a deeper understanding of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that drive buying decisions and product usage. 

Our text-to-phone technology allows users to send activities to their smartphones without the hassles and limitations of an app. Our solution is far more efficient, private, and secure than an app and results in seamless and direct video transmission back to the aha platform. 

Read more about our video capabilities here

Aha! Video: Diaries, Home Use Tests and Self-Ethnography

TruRotation® Ad/Concept Testing {aha pro feature}

Our TruRotation® ad/concept testing feature allows you to share your concepts and ideas with respondents in any format, including video and print ads, animatics, words on a page, logos, or other stimuli in a randomized yet balanced order that completely eliminates all order bias. This proprietary feature uses an algorithm to rotate ideas equally over multiple days and includes access to our concept mark-up tools as well. TruRotation is also quant and hybrid compatible.

Learn more…

TruRotation® Ad/Concept Testing {Aha! Pro Feature}

Aha Quant with QualtricsXM® {aha pro feature}

Driven by client demand for hybrid approaches, aha has partnered with Qualtrics®, the powerful enterprise-level XM platform, to create an integrated suite of strategic qual/quant activities and tools.  This integration gives aha clients the ability to conduct more sophisticated quant/qual hybrid studies, adding innovative survey methods, including Conjoint and MaxDiff, and the accompanying analytics, to aha’s comprehensive qualitative activities. This enables more complex, in-depth consumer and B2B research studies, all available on one intuitive platform.  Quant-only studies can be executed, as well.

The partnership gives aha clients access to the power of Qualtrics on a project basis, along with aha’s best-in-class programming, project management, study design services, and analytics.

Aha!Quant™ with QualtricsXM® {Aha! Pro Feature}

Dynamic Canvas® {aha pro feature}

If there ever was a research activity Etch-A-Sketch, this is it. Dynamic Canvas® is a one-of-kind, multi-faceted projective tool that allows insight strategists and researchers to create numerous customized visual exercises for consumer and B2B research studies. In addition to the free-form strategic image and text-based options, moderators can upload any schematic design to the canvas to create unique, engaging activities to map customer journeys, group/sort, compare/contrast, plus an infinite array of other activity design possibilities. Our team is always available to help you brainstorm these dynamic approaches to create exercises that are graphically pleasing and strategically enlightening.

Learn more…

Dynamic Canvas™ {Aha! Pro Feature}


One of our most used projective tools, ahas Collage, inspires respondents to conceptualize and project their innermost feelings on a topic, a brand, and how these things relate emotionally to their lives.

Aha! Collage

Perceptual & Brand Mapping

This tool allows respondents to place brands or benefit statement/attributes on traditional X and Y axes continuums to share their feelings relative to 4 variables.

Aha! Perceptual and Brand Mapping


This unique projective activity “guides” respondents in developing a story, either fact or fiction. The proprietary and customizable template encourages respondents to write great stories revealing their feelings and motivations in a creative, narrative style to yield deeper, more thoughtful insights.

Aha! Storytelling

Projective Fill-in-the-Blanks ­— (think “Mad Libs”)

Single words, sentences, paragraphs, and stories can be embedded with fill-in-the-blank spaces allowing respondents to complete sentences and stories, both fiction and non-fiction, giving unique insight into how they think, feel, and act in different scenarios that you create.

Projective Fill-in-the-Blanks ­— (think “Mad Libs”)

Wishing Wall (Social)

Wishing Wall is a sentence completion tool wrapped in a social media format. It is best used as a community ideation tool. Respondents share thoughts and feelings about ideas, collaboratively building on those ideas – liking and commenting as appropriate.

Aha! Wishing Wall (Social)

Pinboard (Social)

Our highly intuitive Pinboard is a collaborative activity that allows respondents to share via uploaded text, pictures, or video and then “like” and “comment” on other respondents’ posts – truly creating a conversation.

Aha! Pinboard (Social)

Newsfeed (Social)

With our Social Newsfeed tool, you can launch interactive discussions in a familiar social media format where respondents have the ability to like and comment on other people’s contributions.

Aha! Newsfeed (Social)

Quant Tools

While aha is a leading qual platform, sometimes some quant questions are appropriate. The platform has skip-logic, pipe-sum, matrix, and as series of closed-end question types that may be utilized as needed.

Aha! Quant Tools

SMS Text Video

The aha SMS Text-to-Video advantage allows respondents to text themselves a link from within the platform to their smartphone for easier video recording/uploading. This option avoids the need to connect your phone to the computer to upload video. This method sends video directly from the smartphone through a cellular connection directly to the platform. No tethering, no mobile app download needed. Great for virtual house/room tours.

Mobile marketing consumer research SMS Text Video

DIY Study Builder

While aha offers first-class project support and programming, some clients like to DIY it. The simple and intuitive drag-and-drop aha Study Builder interface was recently re-engineered to accommodate basic to mid-complexity study programming by relatively untrained users. The builder is easy to use and is supplemented by brief video training modules to guide respondents through the study-building process. Support is available to check/test your work and the aha team will continue to program our Pro Features (Dynamic Canvas®, TruRotation®, Concept Markup, and Live Conversations™) to ensure that these complex activities are executed flawlessly.

QuickSprint® Studies

When you need to get high-quality agile market feedback, our QuickSprint® approach is the way to go. The aha team can quickly design, build and deploy one-day, 30-minute activities using our proprietary TruRotation® Concept Testing tool or our full suite of mobile, video, social and projective techniques. From high-quality qualitative recruitment to delivery of the final data, the aha team can help you develop the right mix of methods to foster rapid innovation, test a concept, provide stimuli to inform your strategy, or pulse-check ideas or events that shape our rapidly changing culture. In most cases, you can be in and out of the field 3-5 days after receiving a final screener.

Platform Technology Features

aha’s proprietary technology platform is built with the latest mobile, video, and other user-friendly tools
 to create an enhanced experience for both researchers and respondents

  • Mobile-Enabled
  • Webcam (Asynchronous)
  • Automated (AI)/Machine Learning Video Transcription
  • Machine Learning Language Translation (Real-Time)
  • Advanced Export Tools
  • Direct Smartphone to Platform Video/Image Uploading
aha Computer Screen
  • Auto-alerts/Respondent Notifications
  • TruRotation® Concept Testing Technology
  • HIPPA and GDPR Privacy and Security Compliant
  • Multi-device/browser Compatibility
  • Global Language Support
  • API Capabilities

User-Friendly Management Tools

aha offers a full suite of easy-to-use study management tools to help you organize, manage, enhance, and analyze your online studies

  • Easily analyze, tag, and categorize the meaningful data from your study using the aha StoryBuilder.

    The StoryBuilder puts all your key themes, text, notes, videos and images in one place to make it easy for you to put your presentation together. If you prefer to stay with your own tools and methods you can simply and easily export to Excel and then import to your own analytic software such as Ascribe or Wordle.