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aha intelligenceTM (ai) analytics & reporting tools

As part of the aha insight technology platform, our powerful generative artificial intelligence-based analytics and reporting tool, enables market researchers and brand insight teams to more efficiently analyze unstructured asynchronous qual, live digital IDIs/Focus Groups and hybrid study data to quickly identify your brand’s aha moments.

A highly refined set of analysis tools, featuring aha’s own (ai) objective-driven process, yields impressive study summaries, detailed supporting validation, sentiment analysis and auto-tagging, amongst a myriad of other features. The (ai) allows you to cut your analysis time by at least 50% and helps the researcher to connect the unseen dots, leading to more complete strategic reports.

In short, aha intelligence (ai) gives analysts the ability to:

  1. Automatically summarize large qualitative datasets
  2. Provide supporting examples to your key insights without having to search manually
  3. Create on-demand Executive summaries and transformational reports
  4. Generate interview summaries and video highlights
  5. Synthesize connected and unconnected data points
  6. Instantly apply sentiment analysis

The key features of the aha intelligence tool include the ability to auto-tag entire studies to instantly organize supporting text-based quotes, video clips, and images that bring observations, insights, and recommendations to life.

To protect brand and respondent privacy, the platform does not allow proprietary data to be shared with the outside world – aha intelligence is a closed-loop application, not part of an open-source artificial intelligence system.

Aha AI for Market Research

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